The people in the area around the farm have a basic subsistence farming lifestyle, using farming methods which have not changed since cultivation began. They use effective simple tools; hoe and machete knife. The Rwandan government has a system with a District Agronomist and District Vet who help farmers to plan and follow up, but these human resources are extremely limited. The school has a school garden, growing vegetables used for school lunch.
To see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears is the best form of learning, especially when reading skills are poor and access to reading materials limited. Many parents of children attending the local school today are illiterate. The farm has plenty of open space around the homestead and goatshed for many people to gather.
To see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears is the best form of learning, especially when reading skills are poor and access to reading materials limited. Many parents of children attending the local school today are illiterate. The farm has plenty of open space around the homestead and goatshed for many people to gather.
- To increase knowledge about and generate interest in sustainable farming.
- To expose the local population to the farming practice, and ongoing trials on the farm.
School staff and pupils, local farmers and "interested others".
School classes: educational visits, focused primarily on dairy goats and moringa trees.
Formal and informal farmer training.
Establish a demonstration plot on the farm. See under INITIATIVES tab, THE FARM, DEMONSTRATION PLOT.
To have an open door policy on the farm for the local population, and encourage interested visitors.
Formal and informal farmer training.
Establish a demonstration plot on the farm. See under INITIATIVES tab, THE FARM, DEMONSTRATION PLOT.
To have an open door policy on the farm for the local population, and encourage interested visitors.
Time Line
2024 Four staff members from Rwandan Institute of Conservation Agriculture, RICA, and 3 from a Rwandan NGO visited the farm.
2023 Re-establishment of class visits from the school. Increased requests via homepage. Compost making training.
2022 Class visits still not reestablished due to COVID-19. Requests for information about dairy goats and moringa via the homepage. Compost making training.
2021 No class visits due to COVID-19. First phase to establish a demonstration plot on the farm. Compost making training continues.
2020 The Sector leader asks to have regular meetings with Jacques. Invite local farmers to participate in compost making training on the farm.
2019 School visits begin. The village leader starts to visit the farm more regularly.
2018 Liason with the school principal to discuss how best to use FRED'S FARM as a place of learning for school pupils. Established "FRED'S FARM" homepage on internet.
2023 Re-establishment of class visits from the school. Increased requests via homepage. Compost making training.
2022 Class visits still not reestablished due to COVID-19. Requests for information about dairy goats and moringa via the homepage. Compost making training.
2021 No class visits due to COVID-19. First phase to establish a demonstration plot on the farm. Compost making training continues.
2020 The Sector leader asks to have regular meetings with Jacques. Invite local farmers to participate in compost making training on the farm.
2019 School visits begin. The village leader starts to visit the farm more regularly.
2018 Liason with the school principal to discuss how best to use FRED'S FARM as a place of learning for school pupils. Established "FRED'S FARM" homepage on internet.