Twa are traditionally hunter-gatherers. The transition to cultivation has not been easy. At the village close to FRED's FARM, there is a very small area of land around the village which has the potential to be cultivated, but not enough to support all 60 families who live there. The villagers share a few hoes. Daily workers who hire themselves out to till land, must have their own tools, primarily a hoe.
To empower the Twa to be more self-sufficient in food production.
60 families
To provide land, tools (hoes), seeds and plants. Providence, in collaboration with Jacques. has trained and given practical and moral support. A "tool bank" gives the opportunity to be hired to work land.
Time Line
2024 Cultivation in the village and on the farm. Moringa and passion fruit planted at the village.
2023 Many small areas between the houses in the TWA village are now cultivated. Cultivation on FF continues with sweet potato, cassava and beans. Avocado trees are planted at the village.
2022 Increased area on FRED'S FARM provided for cultivation. Moringa did not survive.
2021 38 villagers planted beans on FRED'S FARM. 30 villagers attended a training session for moringa. Each received 2 moringa seedlings to plant at their village.
2020 The 2 work groups continue to cultivate on FRED'S FARM. Many hoes was purchased. These form a "tool bank" and the Twa villagers can borrow these for one day at a time.
2019 Two work groups à 6 people formed. Sorghum and maize cultivated on FRED'S FARM land. More fruit trees planted at the village.
2018 Planted avocado and fruit trees at the TWA village.
2023 Many small areas between the houses in the TWA village are now cultivated. Cultivation on FF continues with sweet potato, cassava and beans. Avocado trees are planted at the village.
2022 Increased area on FRED'S FARM provided for cultivation. Moringa did not survive.
2021 38 villagers planted beans on FRED'S FARM. 30 villagers attended a training session for moringa. Each received 2 moringa seedlings to plant at their village.
2020 The 2 work groups continue to cultivate on FRED'S FARM. Many hoes was purchased. These form a "tool bank" and the Twa villagers can borrow these for one day at a time.
2019 Two work groups à 6 people formed. Sorghum and maize cultivated on FRED'S FARM land. More fruit trees planted at the village.
2018 Planted avocado and fruit trees at the TWA village.